Common Power

Historical significance for a modern brand

Common Power is an organization dedicated to civic action that goes to great lengths to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. They are dedicated to door-knocking, phone-calling, and engaging people in democracy. Their boots-on-the-ground mission informed the visual inspiration for the rebrand. From the urgent, handwritten signs of Civil Rights protests, to Brazilian Pichação graffiti, Corita Kent's printmaking, and the lettering of 1960s jazz, the Common Power brand is based in emotion, anti-political movements, and stands on the shoulders of those who have dedicated and risked their lives to the fight for equity.

Inspiration for the rebrand came from civil rights protestors and textures from early jazz musicians
Early drafts of the CP brand focused on handwritten textures and circular icons, symbolizing community and diversity
The final handwritten logo, iconography, and typography
Brand samples